A proposition for my friends, far and near:

This year is the 30th anniversay of Elvis Presley’s death. As you may know, Memphis memorializes Elvis’ death every year with “Elvis Week” in August, including a candlelight vigil and an “Almost Elvis” impersonation contest. As it just so happens, Elvis’ death (August 16) is the same week as my birthday (August 19). So, I am extending an open invitation to all my friends to attend Elvis Week this year, which promises to be one of the most well-attended events ever. (And that’s saying something, since almost a million people travel to Memphis every year for Elvis Week!) I’ve never actually attended the candlelight vigil–being a native Memphian, my absence is de rigeur–but I will gladly play the tourist if you decide to come. Or, if there are enough of us, we could hold our own impromptu vigil in my backyard. I can promise that drinks will be cheaper with the latter option. You are all welcome to stay in my house–which you pretty much would have to do anyway since all the hotels sold out a long, long time ago. Warning: it’s hotter than hell in Memphis in August, so bring as little clothing as possible.

Now, for those of you in Philly, it’s not an impossible drive. So if 3 or more of you are coming, you should drive. Same goes for State College, actually. But if you can’t or don’t want to drive, there are currently cheap flights available for August on Expedia. (It’s even cheaper if you fly to Nashville, and I could come pick you up there.) There’s a long-standing rumor that if you fly to Memphis dressed as Elvis during Elvis Week on Northwest then you can fly for free, but I don’t know if that’s true. Even if it’s not, I think you should don the appropriate attire for your travels.

I’m really very serious about this invitation. Really. So, who’s up for it?

2 comments on “RSVP

  1. we would so dress up and fly Northwest if we were there!!! but we could have a repeat party when we come visit you in the fall!!!

  2. Doctor J says:

    okay, well you can still dress up when you come!

    when DO y’all plan to come, anyway?

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