#SPEP14 Tweeter/Absentee “Buddy System”

Daniel Brunson (@danieljbrunson) asked me if I could figure out a way to connect (1) people who won’t be attending #SPEP14 but who are interested in hearing specific panels and (2) Tweeters who will be live-tweeting those same panels. I think something like a digital-philosophical “buddy system” is a great idea, especially for those unfortunate souls who won’t be able to make it to New Orleans.  (Incidentally, I’ve been in NOLA for two days already, and I’ll be here through the end of SPEP.  I’m happy to report that the weather is beautiful, the food is delicious, the drinks are strong, the music is loud and the people are as endearingly weird as ever.  Looking forward to seeing you all in a few days!)  Anyway, here are a few suggestions for how we might make the #SPEPbuddysystem work:

First, SPEP-Tweeters should use the comments section below this post in the next few days to list sessions that they know they plan to attend/tweet, along with their Twitter handles.  Those not attending can check that list, see if anyone will be tweeting the session you’re interested in, and “follow’ that Tweeter during the live session.

Second, anyone who plans to be tweeting at #SPEP14 should register their names on the list in the comments section to CFT (Call for Tweeters) post from last week.  Those not attending can “follow” any or all of the live-Tweeters that way.

Third, starting on Thursday, and throughout the conference, it would be great if Tweeters could tweet which sessions they plan to attend that day sometime in the morning.  If you tag me in your Tweet (@DrLeighMJohnson), I’ll RT all of them,so at least there will be one central source for pairing up live-tweeters and absentees. Just a reminder :the SPEP program is here.  Since we only have 140 characters (minus 17 if you tag me), I’d suggest that Tweeters list the sessions they’re attending by the number on the official program.  For example, a Thursday morning tweet might look like this:

“Live-tweeting #SPEP14 sessions #TI10, #TII11 and #plenary today. @DrLeighMJohnson”

Fourth, I suppose Tweeters could act as free-agents at any point, too.  Got a Twitter account and no preference for which session to attend?  Just send out a tweet asking for a#SPEPbuddysystem assignment from one of the absentees!  Again, be sure to tag me in your Tweet and I’ll RT it.

This is all a just a work-in-progress at the moment.  Feel free to offer other/better suggestions in the comments below (or tweet them to me!).

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