Memphis on the Downbeat

Philosophy Qua Frenemy

The earth revolves around the sun. Not everyone on talent shows has talent.  The square root of four is two. Your mom did it with your dad. Also, it’s not easy being a woman in Philosophy. I won’t bother to link to the series of scandals that have beset the discipline of Philosophy over the…

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MEMPHIS ON THE DOWNBEAT: Five Reasons to Support Ghost Town Blues Band in the 2014 IBC

This is the first installment of my series Memphis on the Downbeat, an inside look into Memphis music by a bona fide Memphian and music-lover. This week Memphis hosts the 30th International Blues Challenge (Tuesday through Sunday at venues all over Beale Street), which every year brings leading blues artists and bands from all over…

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Memphis on the Downbeat: Loud, Live and Better Than Ever

One of the things that I’ve resolved to do in 2014 is devote more space on this blog to Memphis, THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WHOLE UNITED STATES.  (C’mon, really, pick a fight with me about that claim. You will lose.)  As I’ve said many times before, in private but more often in public, there…

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