
Right Place, Right Time

File this away under “The Story I Would Want To Tell My Kids, If I Ever Had Any Intention of Reproducing (Which I Don’t).” Last Saturday night, I was at Wild Bill’s (per usual) enjoying myself greatly (per usual) and hanging out with a great group of friends and an even greater stock of delicious…

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Tourney Time!

It’s that time of year again. March Madness. The Big Dance. Win or Go Home. The single most exciting time of the annual sports calendar. The NCAA Basketball Tournament. And my beloved and beleaguered University of Memphis Tigers are there again. Coming off a truly heartbreaking loss last year in the Champoinship Game to the…

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Jeremiah Wright, in his own words

I attended Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s lecture “Some Through the Fire! Some Through the Flood!” last night at the University of Memphis as part of the conference “The Obama Phenomenon: Race and Political Discourse in the United States Today.” I have to admit that I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Like most Americans, the only…

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

And, in this case, the “good deed” was my pedagogical experiment with (now, regular practice of) blogging in the classroom. I’ve been featured on The Dean’s Blog: Celebrating Teaching and Learning at my college, in a story hyperbolically entitled “Philosophy in the 21st Century.” I am, of course, really honored by the recognition… so, what’s…

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An excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have A Dream” address to the people assembled on the Washington Mall, August 28, 1963. …In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of…

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25 Random Things About Me

So, there’s a thing going around on Facebook that asks people to list 25 random things about themselves. I usually delete messages like this immediately, but for whatever reason I actually filled out the list this time. I suppose that the point of this exercise is to show something revelatory about what the author finds…

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Cultivating Weirdness

I wasn’t surprised to find among the list of “local weirdos” featured in the article “How To Be A Local Character: Five Basic Examples” Memphis’ own Prince Mongo (pictured left). Prince Mongo– nĂ© Robert Hodges, changed his name to King Mongo, then Saint Mongo– has been a fixture in Midtown Memphis for as long as…

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Brother v. Brother

I went to my first Memphis Grizzlies game last night. Although it was, at the final buzzer, still a 105-96 loss to the l.A. Lakers, it was one of those games in which the final score only tells half of the story. The Grizzlies led for all but about the last 2 minutes of the…

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Memphis! We Got It!

A friend of a friend who is a student at MCA (Memphis College of Art) made this “promotional” video for our fair city. I love it.

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Church, Memphis Style

I’m back. I’m also clearly making regular payments on some karmic debt these days. I can’t exactly pinpoint what I did to merit the utter mayhem of this year, but I suspect it has something to do with my remarking one too many times last year about how happy I was with my life back…

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