
30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 24: A Song By The Sexiest Artist You Know

Prince Rogers Nelson, formerly “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince”, now known just by his mononym “Prince” again, is the sexiest artist I know.  For music fans of a certain age, Prince (and his earlier band, The Revolution) is deeply etched in memory, in desire, and in purple as nothing short of iconic.  Standing at…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 23: A Song That Makes You Think Of Family

I doubt I would have said this 10 or 20 years ago, because I was too young and too stupid and too stubborn and far too proud then, but I’ve got a great family.  I mean, a really great family.  We have our problems, like all families do, but there is no doubt in my…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 22: A Song By the Most Overrated Band/Artist You Can Think Of

It’s really no mystery to anyone who knows me how much I dislike Taylor Swift, today’s pick for the most overrated artist I can think of.  Also, if you don’t want to read the rest of this, let me sum up: Barf.  Just in case you’re still reading, though, here’s some elaboration.  It genuinely pains…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 21: A Song By a Band/Artist That Never Achieved the Level of Fame They Deserved

Finally, FINALLY, today I’ve been given a prompt that makes for an incredibly easy pick.  I’m sure there are a million artists or bands that have never achieved the level of fame they deserved– many of whom I know personally and who grind it out every night as hardworking musicians here in Memphis– but when…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 20: A Song That Could Have Been Written About Your Life

My self-imposed ban on repeating songs that I chose in the original (June 2011) version of this Challenge is making it more and more difficult every day to match the perfect song to this month’s prompts.  My first choice for “a song that could have been written about my life” would have been The Rolling…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 19: A Song You Used To Love But Have Now Outgrown

For a few years in my 20’s, I dated and lived with a Deadhead.  And I’m not talking about some amateur, weekends-and-summers only, tie-dyed, wake-and-bake, jam-band fan.  I’m talking about a Genuine True Believer.  He had whole cases of cassette-tape bootlegs from Grateful Dead concerts going back more than twenty years.  He was in touch…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 15: A Song That Reminds You Of Your Best Friend

I really dislike the designation “best friend.”  I can’t entirely explain why but I’ve always felt like it’s an impossible-to-determine category.  What makes a good friend the “best”?  The time you’ve known each other?  The experiences you’ve shared?  What you’ve given or sacrificed or provided for one another?  Is it about quality or quantity?  Is…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 14: A Song You Associate With Breaking Up

I have a whole complex theory about breakups, the first and most important axiom of which is that breakups hardly ever “take” on the first time.  As a rule, if you’ve been in a real relationship with someone– meaning, first, that you’ve invested a significant amount of time and emotion into the relationship and, second,…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 18: A Song That Makes You Think of a Place You’ve Never Been

I’ve never been to Africa, which is particularly embarrassing in my case since I have a Doctoral Minor in African Studies and a large part of my dissertation involved the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  Not having been to Africa is far and away the greatest regret I have in my life, one that…

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30 Day Song Challenge (The Sequel), Day 17: Your Favorite Holiday Song

It’s hard to think about “holiday” songs in the middle of June– in Memphis— so today’s entry will be brief.  I’m picking a Christmas song, not because Christmas is my favorite holiday (my favorite holiday is a tie between New Years Eve and Halloween), but rather because, c’mon let’s admit it, Christmas has the best…

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