
The Single Scariest Moment of My Life

I just returned home from four days in the hospital, having been taken there by ambulance last Friday morning. I should say at the outset that I’m not exactly a stranger to hospitals. I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and about 10 years ago I was also diagnosed with a mysterious condition that my doctors called…

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Catching Up

I was a bit delinquent in my posts this last week, so here’s a brief update on what’s been going on: (1) The University of Memphis Tigers basketball team suffered a humiliating loss to the University of Missouri Tigers in the NCAA Tournament and were eliminated… making two years in a row that Memphians have…

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Hasta, 2008

This is a last minute quick post to round out 2008. I’m presently waiting for party guests to arrive, all of whom will be accompanying me to Wild Bill’s Juke Joint later tonight to ring in the new year. I can’t say that I’m sad to see this year go… 2008 was a bit of…

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Still here…

Several of you have written to me recently inquiring after my absence here on the blog. So, I wanted to let you all know that I am, in fact, still alive. I was in a fairly nasty auto accident about a week ago. (See my poor, beloved, now “totaled” car to the left.) Short story:…

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Another Year Older…

… and I still haven’t found a way to reproduce the monster style of my younger self. Check out those sleeves!

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Kids Say the Damndest Things (Part 2)

Here’s another installment in the story of my two nieces– “Monkey” and “Templeton” (not their real names, of course)– who continue to say the damndest things. (You can read the first installment here.) The Family J recently returned from a beach vacation in Florida. I wasn’t able to go (proof again that academics don’t really…

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What It Looked Like

Here it is… our tornado: I don’t know who the crazy people are who stay outside to take pictures of these monsters when they roll through town, but I guess I’m glad someone does it. It makes the following images make more sense… Those pictures above were taken by my cousin, who lives on a…

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Ain’t Too Proud…

So, I like to think of myself as a pretty autonomous and independent woman most of the time… but then, occasionally, I have to deal with the DMV. In those unfortunate instances, in the words of The Temptations, I ain’t too proud to beg. I had not changed my car tags since I moved back…

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Silver Lining

I’m going to avoid making excuses for my absence on this blog of late… mostly because my excuses are all of the things you would expect me to say and none of them are as exciting as “my house was destroyed by the tornado” or “I’m pregnant with triplets” or “God spoke to me through…

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Better Late Than Never…

After a (too) long absence on this blog, I am happy to report that things are beginning to slow down enough in the Life-of-Doctor-J to make my return here possible. I’m in the process of marking final papers and exams now. Grades are due on Monday. Commencement will follow shortly after that (May 10). Then,…

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