pre-2007 blogposts GAH

Silver Lining

I’m going to avoid making excuses for my absence on this blog of late… mostly because my excuses are all of the things you would expect me to say and none of them are as exciting as “my house was destroyed by the tornado” or “I’m pregnant with triplets” or “God spoke to me through…

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The Problem with Poaching

As promised, here is the first of my reflections on what I see as a very troubling trend in Continental philosophy. I call it “poaching,” Brian Leiter calls it “plundering,” and over the last several years I’ve heard it called many other things that I wouldn’t repeat in front of small children or my mother……

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What’s SPEP Got To Do With It?

Ahhhh, SPEP. It’s a guilty pleasure for most of us. The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy conferences happen only once every year, and for folks like me anyway, it’s about the only chance I get to see my far-flung friends. Sure, it’s also a chance to reunite with the Continental Philosophy Diaspora, to see…

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Mardi Gras Mayhem

It was a rough day in Memphis yesterday. When I got to my office, it was almost 75 degrees outside, and humid. It didn’t feel anything like February. It felt like April or May… and to a native Memphian, that means it felt like “tornado season.” Turns out, it was. As I am sure many…

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Better Late Than Never…

After a (too) long absence on this blog, I am happy to report that things are beginning to slow down enough in the Life-of-Doctor-J to make my return here possible. I’m in the process of marking final papers and exams now. Grades are due on Monday. Commencement will follow shortly after that (May 10). Then,…

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Kids Say the Damndest Things

Meet my nieces. They’re 8 and 4 years old, and I am one of those aunts that really believes they are so great that they must hang the moon at night. I never, ever tell them “no” and I am sure that I am contributing to their future as juvenile delinquents. As a matter of…

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Cogito, ergo blog

That image to the left there is a visualisation of the “blogosphere.” There are several such constructions on the web, and even a site that offers an interactive “map” of the blogosphere. Totally fascinating. So, yeah, I intend to keep this little dot in the blogosphere going. That will probably be the one New Year’s…

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How Does This Happen?

Every semester… and I mean every semester… I find that on the second or third day, I already feel behind. How does this happen? I work hard. I prepare. I don’t lounge around on my “breaks.” Where does the time go? Let me hazard an answer to my own question. I think the academic life,…

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Older, even if not Wiser and Better-Looking

August 19- a good day for babies. 1973- a very fine vintage. As it just so happens, that was my birthday. August 19th is also the birthday of Bill Clinton, Orville Wright, Ogden Nash, Fred Thompson, Christian Slater, Tipper Gore and John Stamos. And the same day that Groucho Marx died. Heady times, indeed. I’ve…

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Must… Have… Siesta

It is hotter than hell here right now. Hotter than Georgia asphalt. Hotter than a harlot in church. Hotter than a June bride in a feather bed. Hotter than the devil’s underwear. Hotter than a $2 pistol on the Fourth of July. It’s August in Memphis. It’s hot. And it’s humid, so the heat is…

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