pre-2007 blogposts GAH

turn out the lights, the party’s over…

Thanks to all my friends who helped celebrate my dissertation defense. (Especially those, pictured above, who decided to celebrate with a drunken arm-wrestling tournament!) I had a great time. And this rosey-blurry-mostly-indistinct photo is exactly how I remember it!

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the multi-tasking friend

Recently I read an article on the web entitled “Five Friends Every Woman Should Have.” It wasn’t well-written and it wasn’t particularly insightful–as a matter of fact, it was on one of those sites dedicated to “women’s lifestyle” that tend to be nauseatingly Oprahesque–but it did provide a very interesting list to consider. Here is…

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medical mysteries, part deux

Before you undertake the massive project of writing a dissertation, you should be forewarned of the strange physiological anomalies that will accompany it. Some of them are obvious and expected (loss of sleep, anxiety, depression), but others are…well… mysterious. Fortunately, I haven’t developed anything remarkably strange (like my friend Kyle’s apotemnophiliaphobia), but here’s my own…

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argh…. blogging.

so here’s the brief history of my attempts to keep any sort of diary. I start on some day in the first week of january, write for a max of four days atraight, revist the diary at some point in may and then discard the whole thing. basically, pathetic. however, since i am sitting at…

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