The Material Infrastructure of the Internet

Like most people, I presume, I have a tendency to think about “the Internet” or “cyberspace” or the “virtual world” as something fundamentally non-material. I type emails, I post on my Facebook page or this blog, I search and find things on Google, and it seems to me each time as if every strike of…

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Why I Stood With The Students

As I reported in my previous post, students at my college organized an event last Monday night, the Rhodes Solidarity Vigil, which was meant to demonstrate solidarity with the nonviolent student protesters at UC-Davis (and elsewhere) who were brutalized by police while peacefully exercising their right to assemble. This is why I stood with the…

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This past Monday, November 21, students at Rhodes College organized a candlelight vigil to show their solidarity with the student protesters at UC-Davis who were assaulted by police while nonviolently protesting on November 18. Rhodes’ event was an answer to the call sent out by Occupy Colleges, the student wing of the Occupy Movement, asking…

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Beautiful Politics

Please, please take 4 minutes and 29 seconds out of your day and watch this.

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Dr. J Catches Up

It’s been too, too long since I’ve posted here. Two whole months, in fact. [Insert standard excuse about being too busy.] My absence was particularly egregious this time, since my last posts, back in September, left a few issues hanging. (Just as an aside, it’s hard for me to believe that the last time I…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 5: My Hate

Here’s the next installment for 31 Days in Seuss. I’ll just say that I sure would appreciate some commentary, if only to let me know whether or not I should keep soldiering through this very difficult challenge. Is anyone reading this? Hello? Also, again, if you’re participating in this Challenge with me and Ideas Man,…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 2: My Love

This 31 Days in Seuss Challenge is already harder than I thought it would be. But the good news is that there’s at least one other person who I know is doing it, so be sure to check out Ideas Man, PhD‘s blog. He’s got mad Seuss skills. I’m hoping that the more one tries…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 7: My Best Idea

There’s a Facebook page for 31 Days in Seuss now. Click here to like it. And without further ado, here’s Day 7: MY BEST IDEAI’ve had a good idea or two in my day(And many more bad ones I won’t redisplay)Grad school was a good one, confronting my fears,And bachelorette-ing for these past few years,And…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 6: My Biggest Hope

I’m not exactly sure that “hopes” are things that can be quantified in categories like “biggest” or “smallest,” but here’s my go at it anyway for Day 6 of the 31 Days in Seuss challenge: MY BIGGEST HOPEPageant contestants with their big empty smilesAnd big empty eyes and feminine wiles–All say the same when asked…

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31 Days in Seuss, Day 9: My Family

MY FAMILYThis will be brief, for the story’s quite plain.We’re a common family with a common name.We were five in count for a whole lot of yearsThen my brother got married, and new kids appeared.So now we count nine, to each one’s delight.And nine, for the time, feels just about right. My dad was a…

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