80K Come and Gone

I’ve been so busy with the “American Values” video project that I hardly noticed that we just passed another milestone here on the blog… 80,000 hits and counting! I’m especially appreciative this time because I’ve been a bit of an IRREDEEMABLE SLACKER so far this year when it comes to regular blog posts. Never fear,…

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Help Me With My Video Project!

I’m soliciting your help, readers, with a video project I’m putting together focusing on “American Values.” Think of it as a cross between the old NPR program “This I Believe,” a Pew Research Poll, a snapshot of American diversity a la Flickr, and something like your senior thesis. I want to know what you– all…

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Kyle Ference Mans Up

The picture to the left is of a former student and advisee of mine, Kyle Ference (author of the Refudiating Through Life blog). During his time at Rhodes, Kyle was in many ways the very ideal of a liberal arts student. He was smart and hardworking, affable and well-liked, committed to socially-conscious extracurricular activities, a…

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As Seen in The Memphis Flyer

This week’s Memphis Flyer apparently has a story about my Why I Chose Memphis series on this blog. I say “apparently” because I am currently in Omaha, NE, at an artists-and-philosophers “Think Tank,” so I haven’t seen the piece myself yet. Someone sent me this link to the Flyer piece, though. So, if you came…

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Entre Nous?: The Merits (and Demerits) of Gossip

Let me begin by illuminating the obvious: we live in a gossip-obsessed culture. You don’t even have to make all that much of an effort to find yourself more intimately familiar with the very personal details of celebrities, politicians, athletes and other real(ity) pop-culture figures’ lives than you are with those of your own friends…

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Why I Chose Memphis: Anna Marie Hartman Birkedahl

Most Memphians will know our next contributor to the Why I Chose Memphis series as “Anna Marie Hartman,” the confident and beautiful anchorwoman for WMC Channel 5 News. What you may not know, however, is that when she’s not reporting on the best and worst of Memphis, she’s also a talented singer in The Burnin’…

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Groovy, Man

ReadMoreWriteMoreThinkMoreBeMore just passed 70,000 hits! Again, a big THANK YOU to all the readers who keep coming back. Especially those of you who have contributed to the recent Why I Chose Memphis series, which prompted an interview by the Memphis Flyer that I gave today and which will appear in print soon. (Keep those stories…

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Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 7

You may not recognize the reference in the title to this post above . It’s a reference to the the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (a.k.a., “The Logical-Philosophical Treatise”), the only book ever written by eminently influential philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. The Tractatus consists of seven philosophical propositions, the seventh of which reads:Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must…

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