
Trolleys, Fat Men and Drones

Just a random”Philosophy pedagogy” insight today: I’m teaching three sections of a course entitled “Contemporary Moral Problems” at Christian Brothers University this term, which is more or less CBU’s version of  “Intro to Ethics.”  As I’ve done in all of my past Ethics courses, I spend the second day of class leading students through a…

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Ferguson Syllabus for Philosophers

Many of you have probably seen the excellent “Ferguson Syllabus” created by Sociologists for Justice, which has been circulated widely over the last several days and which provides a collection of research articles used to inform the arguments and positions represented in their Statement on Ferguson.  I strongly encourage you to keep circulating that document, and…

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On Trigger Warnings, Codes of Conduct and Self-Policing in Philosophy

The blogosphere has been all abuzz with commentary on the merits and demerits of “trigger warnings” (henceforth, TWs) of late, which has sparked an interesting conversation not only about what sorts of norms we ought to strive for in the Academy but also how we can or ought police those norms. With regard to TWs…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 1

These are the letters from the first day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory. 5 December 2013, 3:29pm Dearest Marcus, The battle here rages on unabated, only intensifying my longing for Deliverance, for the warmth and Safety of your hearth…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 6

These are the letters from the sixth day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory. 10 December 2013, 11:45pm  Dearest Charles, Today, we persevered. Your friend,Leigh M. Johnson Click here to proceed to DAY SEVEN of the Grading War Letters

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 5

These are the letters from the fifth day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory. 9 December 2013, 10:55am Dearest Charles, I received your note and hope you do not mind that I shared it aloud with the boys at breakfast…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 9

These are the letters from the ninth (and final) day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory. One last note:  this whole #GradingLetterstoHome adventure was great fun, and a very welcome relief from the drudgery of grading.  Thanks to Marcus Battle…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 8

These are the letters from the eighth (and penultimate) day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory 12 December 2013, 3:28am Dearest Leigh I hope this dispatch will find you in good spirits and in the very best of health. I…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Day 2

These are the letters from the second day of the Grading War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading, click here for the backstory. 6 December 2013, 10:05amDearest Marcus, I take up my pen this morning to inform you once more of my disconsolate station. Please pardon the poor condition…

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Grading War Letters to Home, Winter 2013 (The Unabridged Collection)

Preliminary note: If you’re here because you’re checking back for updates on the Grading War archive, rest assured that new letters are still being added as they appear.  However, this was getting a bit on the long side for a single post, so I’m breaking up the letters by day now.  Click the following links…

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