Tragedy Averted

Meet Sugarlump, my new housemate.

For weeks I had been debating whether or not to adopt a cat from the local shelter, but was hesitating because this cat (pictured) started hanging around on my front porch all day and seemed to be a stray looking for a home. Eventually, I began putting out food and water bowls for her, and would let her in from time to time. My neighbor told me that she had seen the cat around for a long time and thought it belonged to someone in the neighborhood. So, against my will, I made the rounds to all my neighbors a couple of days ago asking them if they were missing a grey-and-white cat. One of them said that she owned one like that, but she said that her cat was mean and unfriendly, and that my descriptions of Sugar didn’t sound at all like her cat. I happily went home to take in “my” new pet.

Then, yesterday, that same neighbor knocked on my front door. When I came to the door, she pointed at Sugar (who was sleeping on my front porch swing, per usual) and asked: “Is that the cat you were talking about?” I said it was and she said that Sugar was, in fact, her cat. I must admit that my heart sank a little, as I was way past having grown attached to the little thing already. But as luck would have it, just at that moment, Sugar came over and started nuzzling my leg, so I picked her up and petted her and readied to give her back, reluctantly, to her owner. The woman said she had never been abele to pick up that cat and had never seen her be affectionate in the least. She said if I wanted to keep the cat, I could.

So far, Sugar hasn’t indicated any desire to go back down the street. I’m happy to report that we’re both content with the new arrangement.

4 comments on “Tragedy Averted

  1. Doctor J says:

    I should have also added that Sugar’s former owner told me the cat’s name was “Jeannie.” That name sucked, so I re-named her. She seems to like this one better.

  2. Not Chet says:

    sugarlump over jeannie? that’s like jack over johnny.

    how about bertholt or heloise?

  3. Doctor J says:

    Chet, didn’t you read Part 4 of “The Quotable South” series on this blog? Don’t you know better than to mailgn someone else’s pet? (or pet name?)


  4. Not Chet says:

    hey, leigh, send me an email at your new address. i have know idea where i’m supposed to send you messages. and i tried to send one today to the address which is i presume your new institutional one …

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