Grading War Letters to Home, Day 8

These are the letters from the eighth (and penultimate) day of the Grading
War.  If you landed here by accident and don’t know what you’re reading,
click here for the backstory

12 December 2013, 3:28am
Dearest Leigh
I hope this dispatch will find you in good spirits and in the very best
of health. I must apologize for the delay in my correspondence. This
week, we have faced trials and challenges that would surely test the
Faith of Abraham. I fear that this Cursed Grading War is getting the
better of me. At the beginning of these Current Hostilities, I could
find joy in the Serenity of the Evening.
I could, if only briefly, take solace in the camaraderie of my fellow
soldiers. But This War mocks serenity and has no more regard for solace
than it does a pocket full of gullyfluff. It destroys everything in its
wake, and chokes off what little relief I dare to seek for myself. More
often than not, I am sullen. Just a few days ago, I almost engaged in
fisticuffs with another soldier, having been driven to near madness by
the incessant chattering emanating from his bone box. I am
short-tempered, and fearful. Though I survive this seemingly incessant
War, I fear it has taken a toll on me that I will not soon be able to

As you know, I cherish each and every letter I am
fortunate enough to receive from you. But your last note left a hole in
my heart. I had heard but unconfirmed rumors of Art’s demise. Your
confirmation of this woeful reality was almost more than I could bear.
Phineas was right to weep, as were you. I too wept, and felt as if I had
been mortally wounded. I raised my voice in Boundless Sorrow and
Tortured Reverence for our dearly beloved fallen friend. Several years
ago, at one of my first postings during The War, Art took me in and
treated me like a member of his own family. His blazing heart and
enduring friendship helped to beat back the isolation and desperation
brought about by the Dogs of War. We will not see the likes of him
again. May Providence smile upon him, and hasten his journey Heavenward.

I was most heartened to hear of your company’s successful
resolution in the struggle with the opposition’s Ethics Class Company.
Huzzah! Their reputation for tenacity was no doubt well earned. Indeed,
it made its way to our encampment. The truce you reached was, most
assuredly, an honorable conclusion to your engagement. The Courage and
Commitment that your company is known for is a Beacon from which we all
draw inspiration. When you say that the Rebels are well equipped for
this battle, you speak the truth. They have provisions aplenty. Their
quarters are resplendent. Their materiel is unsurpassed. Time and again,
I have heard our forces whisper, under their breath, in the still of
the night, “how can we compare and hope to prevail against their
seemingly endless onslaught?” You and your fellow soldiers are pointing
the way forward for all of us. And for this matchless gift, we cannot
repay you.

We can only hope to imitate your accomplishment. In
our corner of the War, we are hoping to prevail in the near future
against the African American Survey Company. Our first concern is the
sheer size of the Company. They are legion! When they march towards our
position, we can feel the earth shake beneath our feet. They are a
cacophonous lot. And they are ceaseless. We have been engaged in pitched
conflict with them now for the better part of a week. They batter us,
seeking to break us. But we will not break. In the Book of Jeremiah, God
tells his Prophet “they will fight against you, but they shall not
prevail against you.” Despite my resolute Faith, I do not know what will
come – victory or truce. But I know this – we will not be defeated.

I was heartened to hear from Susan!
Her strength, determination and courage are truly inspirational. Please
give her my warmest regards if you should by chance see her again. I
also drew sustenance from correspondences from Charles F. Peterson and Sarah Von Der Lippe. Their letters will surely help to sustain me.

I hope that we see our way through to the conclusion of this terrible
Confrontation. Until then, I remain yours, always, in the Eternal Bond
of Friendship Forged in Blood and Fire,
Charles W. McKinney

My dear Friend, Leigh,

It was with great Joy that we received word of your Deliverance and
most unexpected Triumph as you and your unit shouldered Arms and began
the long March. Our dear Family has faithfully sent along News and
though our fields of Struggle are miles apart it has enheartened every
one of us in our Unit to know that we are not alone in our hardship.

I wish you a speedy return home, as
we all wish for same, and look forward to the day that we can reminisce
about our days in the line of Battle and enjoy the fruits of a good
fight well fought. I hear from Father that he has (against all hope)
procured a half-barrel of good Kentucky whiskey and he promises to save
us some for a Homecoming. I wrote to him that he should bury it behind
the barn if we are to hope for any of ti lasting until our Return!

As for us, our Unit has seen some action here, and had a great Battle
yesterday and the day before. Though there were losses, we have come
through with a right good Will, and even last night some small Song and
Jest around the fire.

I hope this finds you well, though I know you are on the move and it may find you very late, and I wish you a speedy Journey.
With great Affection,
Yrs, et c. et c.
Ezekiel Beaum’nt
13th Bttn, Design Corp

Dear Charles, 
I hope you will excuse the brevity of my communication but I, like you,
write from the front line of this war without end. However brief, I
think I can convey to you something of the gravity of the situation.

As I scan the opponents’ lines I readily see that many of the
strategies and tactics I adopted over the previous months have had but
little result. The enemy lines, while thoroughly confused and but
lightly armed, are of such great number as to overwhelm the few forces I
have at my command. Still, I trust that the moment is not far off when
I can call a halt to my activities in this campaign and begin the
process of regrouping for our next battle.
Eagerly looking forward to the time when we can see each other again, I remain your humble comrade in the battle,
David Barber
Click here to proceed to DAY NINE of the Grading War Letters

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